1. Ingredients: Wheat flour (80.8%), sugar (17%), salt (1%), raising agent (E500ii) (1%), vanilla flavor (0.2%)
2. Instructions:
Mix powder Banh Tieu: 400g
Add: - Water: 180ml
- Dried yeast (available in the box): 1 pack (5g)
Step 1: Dissolve yeast into the water (1). Put mix powder Banh Tieu into the mixture and knead for about 10 - 12 minutes to obtain fine and flexible mixture.
Step 2: Incubate the mixture for 60 minutes.
Step 3: Divide the mixture into small pieces, pour sesame into each piece and flatten it to make a round shape. Fry the cake at 180 - 185oC until it inflates and becomes thoroughly yellow.
- Giving softness, delicious taste, natural flavor and nutritional enrichment.